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Why People Are Choosing Stair Lifts

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Stair lifts, chair lifts, stair lift elevator, stair chair lifts, etc. There are lots of names people have given that mighty innovation that carries us from one floor of our home to the next.

This invention was designed in 1923 by C.C. Crispin who at the time ran a Cadillac Dealership. He had a friend who was suffering and could no longer use their stairs. So this mechanical engineer entrepreneur designed what he called an “inclinator”. The name was given because it was enabling someone to ride in a chair despite the incline of their staircase!

Here we are 96 years later, and the stair lift has gone through some fantastic improvements! The chair no longer is wood that offers splinters. Instead it comes with sturdy and comfortable upholstery, arm rests, a footrest and of course a seat belt for safety! The speed is fast enough to feel like you’re getting somewhere, but slow enough so your hair isn’t blowing in the wind!

Why are People Buying Stair Lifts?

Folks don’t usually wake up one day and say about choosing  stair lifts, “I think I’ll run to the mall and buy a stair lift.” A mall is not the place to shop for this type of mobility solution! They generally have come to the realization that their health and safety is worthy of this home modification.

Some individuals may have been battling a progressive disease such as ALS, MS, COPD, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. Others may be a dialysis patient or have come home from surgery and don’t want to live in the living room. However, they would like to still access the upper levels of their house. The third group who seek out stair lifts have a sense that the aging process may start to inhibit their mobility. No matter which group you may be in if any, it’s good to know there are showrooms available to try out various stair lift solutions!

For the Best Show Room in Los Angeles Click Here

For the Best Show Room in San Francisco Click Here

What is the Process in Selecting the Best Stair Lift for Me?

Make sure you are working with a professional company that has been in business at least 15 years with their own team of experienced consultants and technicians to start choosing stair lifts. If the company is legit, they will schedule a consultant to come to your home to meet with you and take measurements at no charge. Stay away from companies that will try and sell you a stair lift online without ever seeing you or your staircase!

When the consultant comes to your home, they will want to measure not only the length and width of your staircase, but also the person who will be using the lift. This individual should be measured from knee to hip to make sure the staircase is wide enough to accommodate them since they will be riding the stair lift sideways and not going down headfirst! If a company is not willing to send someone out to measure and do the installations – steer clear!

Curious about which stair lift is right for you? Learn more and explore your options with our Virtual Stair Lift Showroom and Stair Lift Comparison Chart.

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