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aluminum ramps

Aluminum vs. Wood Wheelchair Ramps

When evaluating your home for wheelchair access via a ramp, there are many factors to consider, such as the location for installation and type of material. There are many types of ramps available and for each individual's needs and situation, the best solution is going to vary. In this post, we'll compare aluminum and wood ramps and briefly review the best locations for the installation of a ramp.

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by Bob Conroy  | 

Improve the Safety of Home Entrances with Wheelchair Ramps and Railings

Increasing client mobility and safety at entrances of the home often includes the installation of railing(s) and wheelchair-accessible ramps. Lifeway Mobility specializes in designing and building permanent wooden ramps that are ADA compatible or installing temporary modular aluminum ramps. Our aluminum wheelchair ramps are also available for rent.

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Posted 7/20/2018

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