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Safe Patient Handling & Mobility Seminar

Posted on by Robert Partain

On a spectacular autumn day, Tuesday, October 20th, Lifeway Mobility, an accessibility equipment supplier that also offers a variety of safe patient transfer devices by Handicare, hosted a truly revolutionary pair of conferences for area clinicians at the innovative Oak Hill Assistive Technology in Hartford, CT.

Topics Discussed

A world-renowned safe patient-handling advisor from Sweden's own Handicare, Hakan Skenhede, taught three courses that day. Perhaps the most striking aspect of Hakan's presentations was the utter simplicity and power of the safe patient handling principles he demonstrated. Hakan entertainingly discussed the importance of such basic concepts as:

  • Balance
  • Touch022_Cropped.jpg
  • Safe walking
  • Standing up and sitting down
  • Re-positioning in bed
  • Various patient attitudes and behaviors

Hakan astutely pointed out that while many caregivers take these principles for granted, they shouldn't because they are so fundamental and important. Once he identified these basic mechanical tenets, Hakan skillfully showed techniques, both with and without equipment that simultaneously protected the patient and care provider. Quite frankly, the time just flew by in each class - a sure indicator of a fascinating teacher and subject.

Why Was It So Ground-Breaking?

Firstly, the subject of Advanced Principles of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility, benefited both the patient and the caregiver population simultaneously. Secondly, these courses were taught by such a well known safe patient-handling advisor. Hakan magically intertwined his extensive knowledge, deft wit and humor, and energetic and engaging style into a presentation that left nearly half of the 70 attendees wishing that the 3-plus hour class was longer. How often do you hear that?

Spectacular Feedback

More than half of the 70 in attendance filled out surveys following Hakan's classes. Most of the participants gave Mr. Skenhede an "A."

  • "Hakan's workshop was the best 3 hours spent - time that will benefit and keep both my patients and clinicians safe."
  • "Best workshop that I've been to in years!"
  • "We didn't want it to end ...extremely informative."
  • "We appreciated the hands-on component - overall, excellent."

Lifeway Mobility would like to express our sincere and deep gratitude to Handicare, the Oak Hill Assitive Technology, our wonderful audiences, and finally, to the wide-ranging community of clinicians, caregivers, and patients that we humbly and professionally serve. We genuinely look forward to putting on future seminars and events like the ones we hosted last month.

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