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Winterization Tips for Outdoor Wheelchair Lifts

Posted on by Eric Rubel

wheelchair porch lift installed in winter snow in Chicago, IL

Outdoor wheelchair lifts, which are also commonly known as vertical platform lifts or porch lifts, provide a safe, accessible way to enter/exit a home, school, church, or other building.

During the winter months, these types of lifts can be difficult to access after a snow or ice storm. However, there are several ways to ensure a wheelchair lift is still accessible throughout the winter season. In this post we share tips to help you winterize a wheelchair lift.

town in Boston, MA covered in fresh snowAll the outdoor wheelchair lifts that Lifeway Mobility offers are built with weather-resistant controls and a specialized coating to withstand winter weather elements. However, significant snow accumulation can limit access to a platform lift and icy conditions can make the deck or concrete near the lift very slippery.

5 Tips to Help Winterize & Operate Your Wheelchair Lift

The winter season has arrived, which means snow, ice, and cold temperatures, especially for regions with colder winter climates, such as Southern New England, the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain Region.

To ensure safe use of your wheelchair platform lift in the winter months, and to keep it running smoothly, we recommend the following.

man shoveling snow from driveway to clear path for wheelchair lift

1. Remove snow, sleet & ice from the platform

Utilize a plastic shovel or wire broom to clear any build up of snow, sleet, or ice from the platform of the lift and entry ramp. We recommend staying away from using metal shovels to prevent scratching the platform.

2. Clear pathways and areas around the lift of snow

Clearing snow or other winter precipitation from the pathways and areas of around the platform lift at the upper and lower landing levels is just as important as clearing it from the actual platform. This will ensure safe access to the lift and entry to your home.

3. Keep a stock of ice melt on-hand

You should always keep some ice melt on-hand, especially if you have an outdoor accessibility solution that you rely on to access your home. Use the ice melt when necessary to improve traction on the lift's platform as well as porches, decks, and pathways that provide access to the wheelchair lift.

4. Set up an annual planned maintenance visit

A recommendation is to schedule a planned maintenance visit right before the winter season. This will reduce the potential risk of an operational issue during the winter months. Some Lifeway Mobility locations offers a planned maintenance program for the wheelchair lifts we install to ensure it is functioning as it should be, and is operating safely and smoothly at all times. 

5. Consider an optional weather package upgrade

If you have not yet purchased a wheelchair lift, consider the optional cold weather package to keep the functioning properly during sub-zero temperatures (as low as -20 Fahrenheit).

If you are unable to do any of the tasks listed above on your own, kindly ask a relative, friend, or neighbor for assistance.

Alternative Wheelchair Lift Installation Options for Winter Accessibility

If you do not currently have a wheelchair lift, but are in need of a safe and accessible way to get in and out of you home without having to worry about the winter elements, consider the following alternative solutions in place of an outdoor installation of a wheelchair lift.

wheelchair lift installed in garage by Lifeway Mobility

Installation of a Platform Lift in the Garage

If there's enough space, a garage is a great spot for a wheelchair lift to be installed. You won't need to worry about having to clear snow build-up or melting ice during the winter season. It also provides a warmer environment while use it (or cooler on hot summer days!), assuming your garage has proper insulation.


Build a Hoistway for the Platform Lift

While this is more of an expensive option because of the added construction costs, a hoistway would also prevent having to clear the platform of winter precipitation. This is an alternative to having the lift installed in a garage if space is limited, but you still prefer to not have to worry about clearing your lift of snow and ice in the winter.

platform lift installed in hoistway by Lifeway Mobility

Contact us to learn more about winterizing your outdoor wheelchair lift this winter season or to schedule a free consultation with one of our local experts.

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