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Local Stair Lift Showroom in Boston, MA Area

Posted on by Eric Rubel

Our Showroom in MA is temporarily closed for remodeling! Check back soon for updates and new photos!

Lifeway Mobility Greater Boston, a Bruno Diamond Stair Lift Dealer, has a showroom in Shrewsbury, MA that is equipped with three fully operational Bruno stair lifts. We invite anyone interested in purchasing a stair lift to visit our showroom:

  • Anyone that can no longer safely climb the the stairs, but prefers to remain in the home, rather than downsizing or moving to a senior living facility
  • Someone who is interested in helping a relative with limited mobility get up and down the stairs safely
  • Caregivers that are noticing that the person they’re assisting is having trouble using the stairs
  • Simply anyone else who is interested in purchasing a stair lift for a home, church, school, or commercial building

Bruno straight rail stair lifts in Lifeway Mobility's showroom in Massachusetts Bruno curved stair lift in Lifeway Mobility Massachusetts showroom

Being able to see and test-ride a stair lift before purchasing it is very beneficial because it allows you to become comfortable with operating the lift. Below is a recent review from a custom who found his visit to the showroom to be extremely helpful:

review about Lifeway Mobility stairlift showroom in Chicago suburb

Read more stairlift reviews from Lifeway Mobility customers

Where Can I Try a Stair Lift?

Lifeway Mobility Massachusetts’s stair lift showroom is located at 5 Centech Blvd, Unit 7, Shrewsbury, MA 01545. Click here for directions.

When to Visit the Lifeway Mobility Boston Area Stair Lift Showroom

Our showroom in Shrewsbury is open 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) from 8:30 am – 5 pm. When planning to visit our showroom, please call ahead so that we can confirm that one of our stair lift experts will be there to assist you.

We’ll help you learn how to operate the lift, and answer any questions that you may have.

Why Test Ride a Stair Lift?

With the internet, there are many informational stair lift guides, videos, and pictures that can be easily accessed to help you can gain knowledge about stair lifts. However, nothing compares to being able to touch and see the actual product before it is installed in your home.

Being able to test-ride a stair lift before purchasing one can make your decision much easier. You’ll have the opportunity to feel the comfort of the seat, smoothness of the ride, and speed of the chair. It can also make it easier to determine if an upgrade option, such as a power swivel seat or footrest, is needed for your stair lift.

 All of our customers that have visited our showroom have found it to be very beneficial because it provides comfort and experience with the lift before it is installed. Some people express their concern of having a product installed that they don’t know how to use. A visit to a showroom eliminates that concern as you’ll be given as much time as needed to feel comfortable with the basic functions of the lift.

We highly encourage you to stop by and try one of our stair lifts out if you are just learning starting the research process or are close to making a final decision! Giving a stair lift a test ride can help you confirm that it is the best product for you or your loved one’s needs and situation.

What Types of Stairlift are in the Lifeway MA Showroom?

In our Boston, MA area showroom, we have two stair lifts that you can test ride.

   Bruno Elite stairlift from Lifeway Mobility MA  Bruno Elite curved stair lift from Lifeway Mobility MA

Bruno’s straight rail stairlift models have vertical aluminum rails, which are built to fit a straight staircase that is 32” or wider. You will have the opportunity to compare the two models to determine which one is the better fit for your needs.

If you have a staircase that has a turn, curve, or an intermediate landing, you can try out the Bruno curved rail stair lift in our showroom, which can be installed indoors and outdoors. Bruno's curved stair lifts are custom designed to match the exact specifications of the staircase.

Bruno Stair Lift Upgrade Options

The Bruno Elan model in our MA showroom is not equipped with any upgrade options, but the Bruno Elite does have a power folding rail and power footrest. When riding the two lifts, we can help you determine if either of the two options available for you to test out are needed. Learning more about your staircase and watching you ride the lift will also give us a better idea if options that are unavailable to try in our showroom, would be needed. Below is more information about most common options that we recommend (when needed) to our customers:

  • Manual or Power Folding Rail - Recommended when the rail extends into a hallway that receives a lot of foot traffic to prevent it from becoming a trip hazard. It is also recommended when the lower landing of the staircase is near a doorway.
  • Power Folding Foot Rest - Allows you to conveniently fold the footrest up or down with a push of a button. A great option if the person in need of the lift has hard time bending when sitting or standing.
  • Power Swivel Seat – Perfect option if the person in need of the lift is unable to swivel the seat manually. With the power swivel seat, the seat will swivel away form the stairs automatically with a push of a button (located on armrest).

Full list of Bruno stair lift upgrade options

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our showroom, please contact us. We hope to see you soon!

Interested in other products that can make your home safer and easier to navigate?

In our showroom, we also have two walk-in tubs, an aluminum modular ramp, roll-in shower, and a variety of other bathroom safety products. We will be happy to provide you with more information on any of those accessibility solutions as well.


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