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The Right to be Included

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Have you ever had the experience of being bullied, left out or pushed out? The disappointment, shock and sense of betrayal can be extremely painful. For some, the confrontation may leave emotional scars for years! Whether you have been the victim of “the mean girls club” or worse, making a come back and trying to access your right to be included may have been difficult at best. Some people with disabilities deal with this on a regular basis!

Over 1 billion people have a disability in the world today. More than 100 million are children. Unfortunately, these kids are victims of violence four times more often than children who are not disabled. The adults with disabilities tend to be victims of violence 1.5 times more often than other adults.

Disabled Individuals Are the World’s Largest Minority

When blockades prevent the inclusion of every member of society, we all suffer. Some of these barriers exist in the heart and mind, while others are physical obstructions. When these obstacles are gone, those with disabilities are allowed to engage fully in life which brings benefits to everyone. Accessibility is not an option but is critical to the health and well-being of our communities.

While public buildings should be following codes of inclusion, accessibility and mobility solutions truly start at home. The very concept of universal design is to make living spaces safe and accommodating for all. The options are endless!

Right To Be Included

If an individual can’t navigate steps into their home safely, adding handrails can be a great solution. If a little more assistance is needed, the installation of a ramp, threshold, or stair lift can make a world of difference!

The safety features in a bathroom for example, can entail the simple installation of grab bars or a tub cut. The tub cut is done in a day using the existing bathtub bringing that hard to manage 14-inch step into the tub, down to a 4-inch step. For those that need more simplified access, perhaps a barrier free shower or complete bathroom remodel is in order.

Bedroom safety may include doorways that need to be widened or beautiful handrails added along the walls. For some individuals, an over-head lift may be the best idea yet. Some need an extra boost to go from bed to chair to shower or beyond. Maybe they wish to travel through-out their whole house using the over-head lift tracking system built into their ceiling complete with remote access!

Seek The Best Solutions

Home elevators are not as extravagant as once thought! Many are seeking solutions like this for all the ages and stages of family members and are surprised at the affordability. Having a consultant come to the home to assess the structure and provide a quote is free of charge.

The key of course, is to work with a company that has at least 10 years of experience and one that specializes in universal design. When families go with Lifeway Mobility, they get to experience experts who create designs specific to the needs of that family. We provide options without barriers. No cookie cutter approach here – it’s all about producing life changing results.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? We believe everyone has the right to be included. We are doing the unimaginable – breaking barriers and changing lives.

Improve your mobility. Request a quote today!

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