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Stair Lift Provides Renewed Independence at Home

Posted on by Eric Rubel

Limited mobility and/or balance issues can restrict someone to the first level of the home and prevent access to a bedroom and shower upstairs. A senior veteran named Robert was dealing with this exact issue, until he and his family learned about stair lifts, and had one installed by Lifeway Mobility.


curved stair lift installed in home in Bartlett, IL by Lifeway Mobility

The stairs can be difficult and unsafe to navigate for those with limited mobility. However, as Robert and his family learned, a stairlift can provide independence, and a convenient way to use the stairs again. More importantly, it makes the option of staying in the home you love as you age a real possibility.

We hope that sharing Robert's story can lead to you or your family member regaining independence at home, whether it's a stair lift, or another type of accessibility solution.  

Mobility Challenges Prevent Safe Use of the Stairs

man with walker looking up at the staircase in his home

Robert's mobility limitations were preventing him from being able to use the stairs to get to his second-floor bedroom and bathroom. This forced Robert to remain on the 1st level of the home. The living room became his living space and he was sleeping on the couch every night. Being restricted to the 1st floor also prevented him from accessing a shower. There was a bathroom that he had access to, but it did not have a shower or bath for him to use. 

Robert was in and out of a rehab facility for several months, and his family had a growing concern about the hurdle presented by the stairs up to the second floor.  Ultimately, he and his family decided that something needed to be done so that he could use the second floor. His wife wanted them to be able to be together on the second floor level again, and not having access to a bath or shower was no longer an option. This led to them identifying a stairlift as a possible option.

Safe Solution for Navigating to the 2nd Floor Independently 

senior veteran using walker to safely get off of his stairlift at top level of his homeFor Robert, the installation of a curved stair lift was a perfect solution for both him and his family. The most important benefit was the renewed independence that it provided for him in his home. "It's great, you just get on and it takes you up there. It was nice to see the second floor again," Robert said. It made his house feel like "home" again.

Using the stair lift, Robert is now able to safely navigate between the levels of his home on his own. He can now go upstairs at night to sleep in his bed rather than on the couch in the living room, and take a shower when needed. There are walkers at both the top and bottom landing of the stairs so that he can safely get off the chair and go where he needs to throughout the day.

In addition to the renewed independence, the installation of a stair lift has also very beneficial for Robert's wife and daughter. It has provided both of them with comfort and peace of mind knowing that he can sleep in his own bed again and take a shower. The transition home from rehab the second time around was much easier for all of them. "Coming home was a big adjustment, but coming home with a stairlift there made the last transition so much more smooth," his daughter said. It made me feel secure and him feel secure."

man smiling while sitting on stairlift in his home

The stair lift has been described as a blessing by both Robert and his family. They all voiced the positive impact that it has had on their lives. Specifically, Robert said "The chair lift absolutely changed my life for the better. Before it was installed, I had to sleep on the first level. It's been a blessing to have the lift and use the second floor again."

Robert's wife also loves that she can now walk up the stairs and have her husband come right behind her on the chair. "It makes me happy that we're together upstairs again. It's really been a blessing and it has changed Robert's life for the better."

Why Lifeway Mobility for the Stairlift?

Robert and his family learned about Lifeway Mobility through a referral from the local VA hospital. Lifeway Mobility was notified of the family's need of a solution for the stairs and went out to the home to learn more about the mobility issues they were facing, measure the staircase, and identify the best possible solution. A custom, curved rail stair lift with a turn at the bottom was suggested as the safest option for Robert. It was the most ideal configuration for the staircase in the family's home. The turn at the bottom kept the rail out of the main entrance hallway, which prevented it from becoming a tripping hazard.

The family was very appreciative of the Lifeway Mobility consultant's knowledge and expertise and was happy to hear that Lifeway was the company selected to install the lift.

His wife said "Lifeway Mobility did a great job explaining the process and it helped me out a lot to know that I could trust them in providing relief for Robert down the line. They were very professional and had the lift installed in just a few hours." Robert and his wife were very happy with the service provided and appreciated that the Lifeway Mobility installers were neat and clean and provided a short demo on how to use the stairlift before leaving.

Lifeway Mobility customer riding curved stairlift in his home with his wife standing next to him  senior sitting on stairlift at top landing of stairs with walker in front of him on the landing

Contact us today to learn more about stair lifts or to schedule a free virtual or in-home consultation. It may be the ticket to renewing independence at home for you or your family like it was for Robert!

We also want to thank Robert for his service to this country!

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