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How to Choose the Best Stairlift for Your Home

Elite Indoor Straight SRE 2010 lady2 showing turned seat

If the stairs at home are becoming difficult to manage due to limited mobility or significant injury, a stair lift may be the perfect solution. However, because there are so many different available models and options to choose from, the research process can be pretty overwhelming. Many people don't know where to start and are often unaware of the factors that are most important when choosing a lift. In this post, we have compiled 7 tips that will simplify the process and make it easier to choose whether or not a stair lift is the best solution for yourself or a family member.

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by Eric Rubel  | 

Top 5 Home Modifications for Accessibility

As we age, tasks that we once took for granted such as climbing the stairs or taking a shower, can become a challenge. If you or a loved one are planning to Age-in-Place, there many home modifications or adaptations that can help make this a reality.

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by John Burfield  | 

What’s the Difference Between a Stair Lift and Lift Chair?

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People with limited mobility can benefit from many different types of mobility aids and accessibility equipment. Mobility issues can be caused by injury, aging and illness or progressive diseases like arthritis. Products ranging from walkers and wheelchairs to ramps and vertical platform lifts can accomplish the same goals in different ways.

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by John Burfield  | 

Wheelchair Accessible Home for ALS Veteran in Colorado

After being diagnosed with ALS, Larry chose to prepare his home to accommodate his FUTURE accessibility needs. The key word is FUTURE. Learning of the diagnosis was not easy, yet he has accepted it, and with acceptance comes change. He has taken multiple steps to achieve a wheelchair accessible home, to plan for the when: When he needs a power chair When he needs access into his home When he needs a bathroom that will fit a power chair When he needs to get downstairs When he needs to go outside to enjoy the outdoors When he needs support from loved ones Larry is a very special man, husband, father, grandfather and friend. We invite you to meet him to learn how he has chosen to plan for his FUTURE, for WHEN he will need a wheelchair accessible home.

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Posted 8/15/2018

Ramp or Stairlift: Which is Right for Me?

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A wheelchair ramp or outdoor stair lift can be an effective solution for someone that is unable to safely get in and out of their home due to limited mobility. However, depending on the space, mobility of the person and many other factors, there's usually one that makes more sense than the other. In this post, we'll provide an overview of each product and help you understand when a stair lift or a ramp is going to be the best solution.

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by John Burfield  | 

Improve the Safety of Home Entrances with Wheelchair Ramps and Railings

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Increasing client mobility and safety at entrances of the home often includes the installation of railing(s) and wheelchair-accessible ramps. Lifeway Mobility specializes in designing and building permanent wooden ramps that are ADA compatible or installing temporary modular aluminum ramps. Our aluminum wheelchair ramps are also available for rent.

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Posted 7/20/2018

Powder Coated Aluminum Ramps: Style and Performance

wolflake access ramps

Aluminum modular ramps have several advantages over wood ramps including low maintenance, quick installation, superior traction, and resale value. Despite these advantages, some people prefer the look of a wooden ramp over aluminum. This is understandable considering many people spend years perfecting their exterior decorating and take pride in the way their home looks.

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by John Burfield  | 

Portable or Modular Wheelchair Ramps: Which is Best for Me?

threshold entry ramp

If you have limited mobility and your home’s entryway has an elevated landing, step or threshold, you’d probably benefit from having an access ramp. Fortunately, there are many kinds of ramps that can help make your home accessible again. These include threshold ramps, portable folding suitcase ramps, solid surface one-piece ramps and aluminum modular ramps. How do you know which of these is right for your situation? Let’s take a closer look.

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by John Burfield  | 

Can I Rent a Wheelchair Ramp?

semi permanent ramp

If you find yourself with a temporary mobility issue, and you are having difficulty entering or exiting your home, it may be a good idea to rent a wheelchair ramp. That’s right, aluminum modular wheelchair ramps are often available for short-term rental.

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by John Burfield  | 

Can I Rent a Stair Lift?

Some people may think of a stair lift as a permanent solution for somebody that will never be able to climb the stairs on their own again. This is a misconception. Many stair lift providers offer rental and lease to own units for those with temporary mobility issues.

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by John Burfield  | 

Misconception #2: Aging in Place is About Aging

Approximately ⅔ of homeowners age 55 or older report that they feel they are proactive when it comes to making aging-in-place home modifications. Nearly 90% say that they are familiar with aging-in-place renovations, additions, or products. However, home modification professionals tell a different story. For example, over half of the experts that HomeAdvisor surveyed say that less than 10% of the projects that they are hired for are related to aging-in-place. Only about 20% of home modification professionals said that their clients reach out to them preemptively before they are in immediate need of aging-in-place renovations. Most specialists stated that the majority of homeowners in need of such modifications sought them out re-actively for a number of reasons.

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by John Burfield  | 

How Long Will a Stair Lift Last?

Elite IndoorStraight

With the typical cost for a straight rail stair lift ranging between $2,200-$5,000, and much higher for a curved stair lift, many people want to know how long their unit is going to last 

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by John Burfield  | 

How Long Should a Wheelchair Ramp Be?


If you plan to add a wheelchair ramp to your entryway, you may be wondering how long it needs to be. Some people might think a shorter ramp is better because it takes up less space and may cost less money. However, if you add a ramp that is too short for the rise of the entryway being ramped, it can be both hard to use and a safety hazard. This often results in a very steep ramp that may resemble a ski jump!

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by John Burfield  | 

What Type of Wheelchair Ramp Material is Best?

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If you have determined that you need to have a wheelchair ramp installed at your home or business, you’re probably wondering which type of ramp material is best. The four types of materials typically used to construct wheelchair ramps include wood, concrete, steel, and aluminum. Let’s take a closer look at these materials to help you decide which type of wheelchair ramp best suits your needs.

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by John Burfield  | 

Should I Rent or Buy A Wheelchair Ramp?

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At some point, you or a loved one may require a wheelchair ramp to access your home and continue living independently. The decision to rent or buy a ramp depends largely on your unique situation. Here are some guidelines to consider when making this decision. Keep the following considerations in mind to help make the right decision for your specific circumstance.

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by Dan Martin  | 

8 Tips to Make Your Home Wheelchair Accessible

At some point, due to age or disability, you or a loved one may be faced with the prospect of having to use a wheelchair to assist in your primary mobility at home. Whether it be a temporary fixture to your home or something that will be more permanent, there are a number of simple modifications that can help improve accessibility and make life easier. If you are like most people, you live in a home that was not designed to accommodate wheelchairs. Below are some simple ideas on how to make sure that you will be able to stay in your home despite the necessity of a wheelchair.

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by Chris Frombach  | 

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